The 2021-2022 Annual Loss and Management Survey Live April 1 to April 30th

The 2021-2022 Annual Loss and Management Survey Live April 1 to April 30th
Take the survey here:

New season, new survey! The Bee Informed Partnership team, in collaboration with the Auburn University Bee Lab, are enthusiastically inviting all U.S. beekeepers to take part in this year’s survey.

The Loss and Management Survey is a national effort that tracks long-term trends of U.S. honey bee colony health. The survey’s main objective is to monitor colony loss rates that beekeepers experience each year, the management actions that beekeepers take, and to compare these losses and practices among all types of beekeeping operations − from backyard hobbyists to large, multistate commercial operations.
Be part of the 10%

In previous years, about one in 10 U.S. beekeepers – and 14% of the nation’s estimated 2.6 million colonies – were represented in the survey. We hope that this year we will have even greater participation from the beekeeping community!

New focus topic for 2022

The survey focuses on a specific theme every year, which will reoccur based on a regular rotation schedule. Last year, the survey focused on “Queens and New Colonies”. This year, the focus will be “Nutrition and Environment”.
We rely on word of mouth to reach as many beekeepers as possible, so please share this announcement with your beekeeping friends!
Thanks so much for your participation and help in spreading the word!

The Bee Informed Partnership Team