Ag Valuation

Beekeeping qualifies many land owners for a Special Ag Valuation in Texas.  Ag Valuation rules vary by county and although most counties have guidelines, some do not.  Many people have become interested in obtaining an Ag Valuation but simply don’t know where to start.

For landowners looking to partner with beekeepers, we’ve put together this introductory guide to help you better understand how 1-D-1 pertains to beekeeping in Texas.

Another resources is this article by Agrilife to help understand the history behind the ag usage. Note: the rollback tax penalties were updated in 2019 to 3 years instead of 5 years.

Special Ag Valuation with Bees Guide
Special Ag Valuation with Bees Guide

TBA member Dennis M. Herbert, a Wildlife Biologist and Natural Resource Manager from Conservation 1 Wildlife and Land Management Services has spent countless hours over the last several years pursuing the Ag Valuation issue for Texas Beekeepers.  Mr. Herbert has provided TBA the following guidelines and information for our members:

Steps to Ag Valuation

With each county currently having slightly different regulations and requirements, we have found one commonality – that on-site colonies are required.  However, the number of colonies may vary from county to county.  You may click the link below to review intensity levels currently required by county:

Colony Requirements By County