Rules for Individual Classes


H1-H3: Extracted Honey: Extracted Honey is judged in three categories: (a) light, (b) medium or amber, and (c) dark. Exhibitors may submit one exhibit in each of these three categories. One exhibit of extracted honey is defined as two (2) identical one-pound jars, as specified in rule #14 under the General Rules of the Honey Show. Closures may be of metal or plastic. Tamper-proof seals are strictly prohibited; any exhibits submitted with any tamper-proof seal(s) will be severely penalized. Judges evaluate entries on the following: confirmation with the criteria set forth herein; cleanliness of the jar and lid; correct fill level; uniformity of the jars that comprise the exhibit; cleanliness and clarity of the honey; moisture content (only if needed); and aroma and flavor (for off-aromas or flavors). *See Appendix hereafter for notes on correct jars and fill level.

H4. Creamed Honey (soft set): Creamed or Soft Set Honey is honey that has been subjected to a manual or mechanical process to assist and control the otherwise natural process of granulation. An entry of creamed honey is two (2) identical wide-mouth, one pound (16oz.) net weight jars. Creamed honey must be displayed in identical, clear, straight-sided, glass jars with one-piece lids. The glass should not be embossed. Judges evaluate entries on the following: confirmation with the criteria set forth herein; cleanliness of the jar and lid; correct fill level; cleanliness and purity of the honey; uniformity of product within the jar; fineness of crystals; appropriate set or firmness (should be spreadable but not runny); freedom from foam, frosting, or visible moisture; freedom from added flavors, striation, or colors; uniformity of the jars that comprise the exhibit; aroma and flavor (for off-aromas or flavors); and moisture content (only if in question). *See Appendix hereafter for notes on correct jars and fill level.

H5. Chunk Comb Honey: One entry of chunk honey is two (2) identical wide-mouth, one pound (16oz.) net weight jars. Chunk honey must be displayed in identical, clear, straight-sided, glass jars with one-piece lids. The glass should not be embossed. Only one chunk of comb should be in each jar for competition. The chunk of comb must be in one piece, of uniform thickness, and with a straight mid rib. Entries should consist of white virgin comb with this year’s wax. All foundation should be unwired, thin surplus. The cuts should be clean and uniform. The chunk comb should be cut and sized to appropriately fit the container. The honey should fill the rest of the jar to the correct fill line. The comb should be oriented in the container as found naturally in the hive. Comb with watery cappings should be avoided. The comb should extend the length of the jar. The chunk of comb should account for at least fifty percent (50%) of the internal volume of the jar. Judges evaluate entries on the following: confirmation with the criteria set forth herein; cleanliness of the jar and lid; correct fill level; uniformity of the jars that comprise the entry; cleanliness and clarity of the honey; absence of pollen, brood, uncapped cells, “wet” or “watery” cappings, or travel stains on the cappings; freedom from granulation; absence of floating wax debris in, or on the surface of, the honey; moisture content (only if needed); and aroma and flavor (for off-aromas or flavors). *See Appendix hereafter for notes on correct jars and fill level.

H6. Cut Comb Honey: An exhibit of cut comb honey is two (2) identical boxes. The boxes must be transparent on all sides made for displaying cut comb. Each box of cut comb should weigh a minimum of twelve (12) ounces. The chunk of comb must be in one piece, with a straight mid rib and of uniform thickness. Entries should consist of white virgin comb with this year’s wax. All foundation should be unwired, thin surplus. The cuts should be clean and uniform. There should be no leaking of honey from comb into the box. Judges evaluate entries on the following: confirmation with the criteria set forth herein; uniformity of the items that comprise the entry; uniformity of appearance and color (including the honey in the comb); cleanliness of the jar and lid; completeness of cappings; cleanliness and clarity of the honey; absence of pollen, brood, uncapped cells, “wet” or “watery” cappings, or travel stains on the cappings; freedom from granulation, pollen, and brood; moisture content (only if needed); and aroma and flavor (for off-aromas or flavors). *See Appendix hereafter for notes on the correct container.

H7. Scholarship Honey: Scholarship Honey is judged in a combined category with all colors: (a) light, (b) medium or amber, and (c) dark. Exhibitors and families may submit one exhibit in this category. (This same honey may not be submitted in any other category in any other class.) Siblings can co-enter a single entry. Additional rules for this category include that each exhibitor must be in a formal beekeeping club scholarship program. Each exhibitor must work the colonies themselves. The exhibitor must be a student up to the age of 17 years old. Each exhibitor is allowed to enter in the Scholarship Category only a single year. One exhibit of extracted honey is defined as one one-pound jar, as specified in rule #14 under the General Rules of the Honey Show. Closures may be of metal or plastic. Tamper-proof seals are strictly prohibited; any exhibits submitted with any tamper-proof seal(s) will be severely penalized. Judges evaluate entries on the following: confirmation with the criteria set forth herein; cleanliness of the jar and lid; correct fill level; uniformity of the jars that comprise the exhibit; cleanliness and clarity of the honey; moisture content (only if needed); and aroma and flavor (for off-aromas or flavors). *See Appendix hereafter for notes on correct jars and fill level.

H8. Black Jar: An entry consists of not less than two ounces, nor more than four ounces, of pure, unadulterated honey. Entries are to be submitted in black or colored jar which entirely obscures the contents of the jar. The required jar will be provided by the Show Secretary at the sign-in table, and the Exhibitor will transfer their entry into the jar and return the exhibit to the Show Secretary. Judges evaluate entries for flavor only. *In the Black Jar class, only a First Place prize will be awarded and this class is not considered for Best in Show or the Ann Harmon award.


W1. Beeswax Block: An exhibit consists of one (1) block of pure beeswax. The block must weigh between one to two pounds, no more, and should have thickness no greater than 1.5 inches. The wax should be clean, and free of impurities. The block should be smooth-surfaced and free of blemishes, decorations or embellishments. Beeswax wax should be of a vibrant, natural beeswax color, and should have a pleasant, natural beeswax fragrance. Judges evaluate entries on the following: confirmation with the criteria set forth herein; cleanliness; color; finish; absence of pouring or casting defects including cracks, raised edges, unevenness, rippled or wavy surfaces, etc.; and aroma (for off-aromas).

W2. Beeswax Candles: An exhibit for dipped tapers is defined as two pairs of two connected candles (a total of four candles), or three (3) identical molded candles. The wax should be clean, and free of impurities. Beeswax wax should be of a vibrant, natural beeswax color, and should have a pleasant, natural beeswax fragrance. The minimum length of all taper candles is eight inches. Dipped tapers should have the last drip (waxicle) left on; the wicks must be left joined. Molded candles must have flat finished bases with wicks well centered. Wicks on molded candles must be trimmed to one-half inch in length. Items comprising the exhibit should be uniform in every aspect, including height, thickness, weight, appearance, and performance (where appropriate). Judges evaluate entries on the following: confirmation with the criteria set forth in herein; cleanliness; color; aroma (for off-aromas); proper wicking; performance; uniformity; casting flaws; and sharpness of detail.

W3: Beeswax Figurines: A figurine is a small sculpted, carved, cast or molded statue that represents a person, animal, plant, creature, or deity (either real or fictional). A figurine may be free-standing, or be supported by a base, stand, or appropriate fixture. An entry is defined as three (3) identical beeswax figurines, depicting any person, animal, plant, creature, or deity of the exhibitor’s choosing. Each figurine may be no more than sixteen (16) ounces in weight, and no less than two inches (2”) in height, nor more than twelve inches (12”) in height. Figurines may be molded or hand-formed. Beeswax wax should be of a vibrant, natural beeswax color, and should have a pleasant, natural beeswax fragrance. Additionally, the use of colored or dyed beeswax for accents or embellishments is acceptable. For exhibits utilizing colored or dyed beeswax, the wax should be of uniform color throughout, free of marbling, striations, or any unevenness in coloration. Items comprising the exhibit should be uniform in every aspect, including height, thickness, weight, appearance, and performance (where appropriate). Judges evaluate entries on the following: confirmation with the criteria set forth herein; cleanliness; color; aroma (for off-aromas); uniformity; casting flaws; and sharpness of detail.


A1. Artwork Related to Beekeeping: Artwork is the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, often in a visual form such as (but no way limited to) painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power. An Exhibitor may submit one example of any beekeeping-related artwork of their own composition. The artwork must be related to some aspect of apiculture, and must be the original composition of the Exhibitor. The artwork must be mounted or freestanding in design. Judges evaluate entries on the following: confirmation with the criteria set forth in herein; subject matter, aesthetic appeal, technical proficiency, creativity, and originality. *A white index card with a description of the item must accompany each entry.

A2. Crafts Related to Beekeeping: A craft is a pastime or a profession that requires particular skill and knowledge of a specialized field or subject. Craftsmanship typically denotes experience, knowledge, skill, and expertise in making things by hand. An Exhibitor may submit one example of any beekeeping-related craftwork of their own composition. The craftwork must be related to some aspect of apiculture, and must be the original composition of the Exhibitor. The craftwork must be mounted or freestanding in design. Judges evaluate entries on the following: confirmation with the criteria set forth in herein; subject matter, aesthetic appeal, technical proficiency, creativity, and originality. *A white index card with a description of the item must accompany each entry.

A3. Beekeeping Gadgets: A gadget is a mechanical or electronic device or tool, especially one of an ingenious or novel nature. An Exhibitor may submit one example of any beekeeping related gadget of their own creation. The gadget must be related to some aspect of apiculture, and must be the original creation of the Exhibitor. Judges evaluate entries on the following: craftsmanship, ingenuity, functionality, creativity, and originality. *A white index card with a description of the item and its operation must accompany each exhibit.

A4. Honey Bee-themed Quilt: A quilt is a decorative textile, often used as a bedspread, made by stitching together a top, middle, and bottom layer of fabric with decorations relating to honey bees or beekeeping. Quilts can vary in size from as small as a lap quilt to a full-size bedspread. Judges evaluate entries on the following: subject matter, aesthetic appeal, technical proficiency, creativity, and originality. *A white card with a description of the item must accompany each exhibit. *If the exhibit is already signed or marked in some identifying way, the exhibitor must obscure the signature or identifying mark. **If a label does not self-adhere to an exhibit, it is permissible to pin or clip the label to the exhibit. ALL Items in the category will become property of THBEA and will be auctioned off during a future honey show presentation.

P1-P3. Photographs Related to Beekeeping: Photographs Related to Beekeeping are judged in three categories: (a) Close-up; (b) Scenic; and (c) Portrait. Exhibitors may submit one exhibit in each of these categories. Specific requirements pertaining to each respective categories are: Close-up – full-frame of single object, Scenic – any outdoor setting, Portrait – depicting a person. All photographs must be between 8.5”x11” and 5”x7” in size and mounted on 11’’x14” black foam core board. All photograph(s) must be related to some aspect of apiculture, and must be the original composition of the Exhibitor. Judges evaluate entries on the following: subject matter, aesthetic appeal, technical proficiency, creativity, and originality. *A white index card with a description of the item and the category where it is to be judged should be taped to the back of each entry.

G1. Beekeeping Gift Basket: An Exhibitor may submit one gift basket of homemade products containing honey and/or beeswax of their own design. Each basket shall contain a minimum of four (4), and a maximum of eight (8) items, all containing honey and/or beeswax as ingredients. Additionally, each basket may contain up to four (4) other bee or beekeeping-themed items not containing honey and/or beeswax as ingredients. Gift basket containers must be no larger than 12x12x6 in size. All items in the basket must be the original composition(s) of the Exhibitor. All labels should be included in an envelope submitted with the basket. Judges evaluate entries on the following: subject matter, aesthetic appeal, technical proficiency, creativity, and originality. *A white index card with a description of the items in the basket (including all recipes and ingredients) must accompany each exhibit.


B1-B4. Meads: Meads are judged in four categories: (B1) Traditional, (B2) Fruit, (B3) Spiced, and (B4) Specialty mead. Traditional meads contain only honey, water, yeast, and no other flavoring additives. Varietal meads include melomels, pyments, cysers, metheglins, hippocras, sac meads, and desert meads. Entrants may submit one exhibit in each of these respective categories. An exhibit consists of one, clear, uncolored, glass standard 750ml wine bottle. Punt bottles are acceptable as long as they are standard pattern wine bottles. Tee, tasting, or mushroom-style corks are preferred; traditional, inserted corks will be accepted by the Show Secretary. Bottles should be filled to not less than 1” nor more than 1.5” from the bottom of the cork. All mead must be produced from honey produced by the Exhibitor. All entries will be tasted. Judges evaluate entries on the following: confirmation with the criteria set forth herein; cleanliness of the container and closure; cleanliness and clarity of the contents; correct fill level; color; clarity; aroma; flavor; body; balance; complexity; finish; and influence of honey on the final product. *A white index card with a description of the type or style of mead and the full recipe (including all ingredients) must accompany each exhibit. The Exhibitor should also note on the white card if they have submitted a second bottle for chilled tasting.

B5. Beer & Ale Made with Honey (Braggot): An Exhibitor may submit one example of a beer or ale prepared by the Exhibitor. An exhibit consists of one (1) glass, standard 12oz or 16oz beer bottle. Clear glass is preferable, however colored glass is acceptable. Standard, unmarked crimped closures or lightening closures will be accepted. Bottles should be filled to not less than 1” nor more than 1.5” from the bottom of the cap or closure. All beer and ale must be produced from honey produced by the Exhibitor. All entries will be tasted. Judges evaluate entries on the following: cleanliness, fill, color, clarity, aroma, flavor, body, balance, complexity, and finish. *A white index card with a description of the type or style of beer or ale and the full recipe (including all ingredients) must accompany each exhibit. The Exhibitor should also note on the white card if they have submitted a second bottle for chilled tasting.


F1. Honey Cake (open recipe): An entry consists of two (2) standard size cakes no less than six inches (6 in.) in diameter or across. Exhibits may be, but are not required to be, iced or glazed. The recipe for the entry must include honey produced by the Exhibitor. Entries are to be presented on 2 cardboard bases, in a standard, unembellished, cardboard baker’s or cake boxes; cake boxes with clear windows are also acceptable. All entries will be tasted. Judges evaluate entries on the following: appearance, uniformity, moistness, texture, aroma, flavor, influence of honey on the finished product, and originality. *A white index card with a description of the item (including all ingredients & procedure) must accompany each entry. A printout of the recipe must be included. All entries will be considered for future publication in a TBA cookbook.

F2. Honey Cookies: An exhibit consists of no less than fifteen (15) pieces or servings. The recipe for the exhibit must include honey produced by the Exhibitor. All entries will be tasted. Entries are to be presented on a cardboard base, in a standard, unembellished, cardboard baker’s or cake box; cake boxes with clear windows are also acceptable. Exhibitors, if they wish to, may place their item in a sealed zip-top bag, or wrap the item in paper or plastic film to preserve freshness; the bagged or wrapped item should be submitted in the cardboard baker’s or cake box. All entries will be tasted. Judges evaluate entries on the following: appearance, uniformity, moistness, texture, aroma, flavor, influence of honey on the finished product, and originality. *A white index card with a description of the item must accompany each entry. A printout of the recipe must be included. All entries will be considered for future publication in a TBA cookbook.

F3. Honey Salsa: Honey Salsa is a tomato-based mixture of fresh vegetables that might include onions, chili peppers, jalapeño peppers, garlic, lime juice, cilantro and other items. For the Texas Honey Show our Honey Salsa entries will also include honey as an ingredient. Consistency can vary from semi-pureed to chunky. An exhibit in this class consists of two (2) re-sealable 8-oz jars. See appendix for acceptable jar. The recipe for the exhibit must include honey produced by the Exhibitor. All entries will be tasted. Judges evaluate entries on the following: appearance, flavor, aroma, texture, influence of honey on the finished product, and originality. *A white index card with a description of the item must accompany each entry. A printout of the recipe must be included. All entries will be considered for future publication in a TBA cookbook.

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