Using Api-Bioxal to treat Varroa Destructor

There was general talk about using Api-Bioxal in an extended application for the treatment of varroa mites at the ABF Conference last month.

Here is what we have found out about this action so far:

  • Three states have an approved 2ee Registration for this use, Vermont, New York and Delaware. Numerous other states are working on it, but, like Texas, many are hesitant to proceed on their own initiative without EPA approval.
  • EPA is in the process of responding to the 2ee exemptions. We understand that they expected to release  a letter soon laying out their position.
  • According to BetterBee, who now has the right to Api-Bioxal, it’s hard for the
    manufacturer to know which way to go until EPA speaks but they are in the process of discussing several options.

TBA is on the list to receive more information as it becomes available.